Career Accelerator: Business English Coaching Membership for Life Science Managers


Annual Live Group Coaching Membership to Help You Use Your Business English Communication CONFIDENTLY, Express Yourself PROFESSIONALLY, Land More PROMOTIONS, & ADVANCE Your Career

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Countless managers at global life science companies around the world spend years trying to:

- Improve their Business English communication for work

- Land more promotions

- Advance their careers

But still are not confident when they speak, don't understand what's being said to them, don't get results from their practice, and still don't develop their careers the way they want.


No real-world application:

They're solely focused on studying basic English vocabulary and grammar, but don’t study real-world content that is relevant to their real-world needs =

Don’t build the ability to express themselves confidently and professionally in real-life, relevant business situations = meetings, interviews, presentations, negotiations, and other daily situations they need to deal with at work.

Lack of systematic learning:

They don't learn systematically, track progress, make meaningful improvements, or learn how specifically to practice to get real results =

No results from practice, don't feel confident using English at work, can't express themselves clearly or professionally, and can't understand what others say in real-time, especially if they have accents.

No development of their overall business communication and career skills:

English and Business English communication are different. Successful business communication skills that help you communicate clearly, effectively, and professionally to advance your career include:

Expressing your ideas simply and concisely, overcoming misunderstandings due to language and culture, dealing with conflict effectively, selling yourself and your ideas, promoting understanding, and turning conversations into real business results.

If all you focus on is using more "advanced vocabulary", "better" expressions, and speaking "intelligent sounding" English, but you ignore all of these other aspects of business communication, even if you speak "perfect English", you're still going to fail to communicate successfully.

If this is you, you're not alone, countless life science managers around the world deal with these problems.

And it's my mission to change this.

Since 2020, this is exactly what I've been helping my clients with, who are managers working at some of the world's biggest life science companies.

With the Career Accelerator, I help you to address these exact needs with that key end goal in mind:

Use your Business English communication skills to communicate clearly, confidently, and professionally to land more promotions and career opportunities.

Client Success Stories:

Chunyan He, CEO and Founder of GenAssist Therapeutics, Suzhou, China

Zhenzhen Fei, Leading Talent Acquisition Solutions, Johnson & Johnson, Suzhou, China

Karen Chen, Senior Medical Science Manager, Roche, Shanghai, China


Over the course of this 1-year (52-week) membership, here are the KEY BENEFITS I use to help my clients communicate confidently and advance their careers:

- LIVE WEEKLY GROUP COACHING SESSIONS with ME & Session Recordings to receive LIVE coaching, error correction, and feedback from me. All live group coaching sessions are with me all year long (52 weeks total).

- 1 BONUS, LIVE 1-1, PRIVATE COACHING SESSION with me to give you personalized feedback to make even quicker progress and help you keep pace with the program.

- BONUS 1-1 complimentary coaching opportunities with me when you complete monthly challenges on time.

- WEEKLY workshops, role plays, and intensive group trainings with me of REAL-WORLD business situations to help you get the best and quickest results possible that make an impact on your career development.

- VIP LinkedIn Group Community to support and hold each other accountable and to access bonus learning tools, video trainings, and resources.

- New monthly Business English video trainings to help you on your journey and develop your Business English communication skills at your own pace.

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4 of the most common concerns about my program...

1. "What are the weekly group live session times? And how do I select a session time?"

My answer:

As I mention below under "Weekly Session Times": "Weekly live session times and workshop topics are voted for in our LinkedIn VIP Group Community once per month. You can join ALL weekly group coaching sessions during the 12-month period that you sign up for.

2. "What if I'm too busy and can't make a group live session? Can I reuse the session credit at a different time?"

My answer:

No, you cannot use the session credit at a different time. As I mention below under "Weekly Session Times": "If you can't make a live session, no problem. You'll receive a recording of each of the live sessions so that you can keep pace, catch up, watch, and review."

Additionally, if you're generally too busy to dedicate at least 1 hour per week to join most of our weekly live group sessions, you're not a good fit for my program (more details below to help you judge whether or not you're a suitable fit for my program).

3. "I already have an English teacher or receive English training through my company. What makes you any different?"

My answer:

I don't simply teach English or do conversational practice, you can do all of those online or offline for free. If your goal is only to practice basic conversational English, please don't buy my program, you're not a good fit for it.

I specifically help my clients who are in leadership positions to use and improve their current Business English communication skills for very business-specific situations (as you can read below under "Content, Methodology, and Time") that are relevant to their work situations, including presentations, meetings, negotiations, high-stakes communications, and interviews, ultimately with the goal of communicating more professionally and developing their careers in the process.

4. "What's your refund policy? / What if I don't get the results I expected? / What if your program is not a good fit for my needs?"

My answer:

I have a 100% Money-Back Guarantee IF you honor all of the conditions. Scroll down to my "Money-Back Guarantee" section to review my entire refund policy, I wrote the exact conditions there to address all your concerns. IF you commit, 100% implement and honor every single condition of my refund policy, I will give you a refund.

IF you are not serious about implementing what you learn in this course and or just expect me to solve all of your problems without you having to take action, please do not buy my program, you are not a good fit for it as I can only help clients who are committed, serious, and implement what I teach them (more details below to help you judge whether or not you're a solid fit for my program).

So, with that being said, how exactly is the program structured?

I'll break it all down for you:


LIVE GROUP COACHING: Live Weekly Group Coaching Sessions

By joining this membership program, you can join weekly 1-hour live group coaching sessions with me and will receive these group session video recordings.

In these weekly live group sessions, you will be able to receive personalized real-time coaching, guidance, and feedback from me, group workshops and practice of common, relevant scenarios (presentations, meetings, negotiations, interviews, etc.), and open Q&A opportunities to address all of your questions and concerns.

Each weekly live group session consists of the following:

Open Q&A to discuss and clarify any questions and concerns you have after completing weekly and monthly challenges.

Role plays to enact REAL-LIFE scenarios and build your confidence and ability to communicate during these real-world business situations:

Presentations, meetings, negotiations, proposals, interviews, tough conversations, and other important, common work situations.

Workshops, intensive activity trainings, and guided group discussions to not only get feedback and tips from me, but also share your own relevant experiences with each other to make quicker progress that translates into more career success:

Weekly Workshop Topics include:

- Develop your confidence in speaking English at work and speak with more assertiveness and professionalism

- Grow your Business English vocabulary to increase your fluency

- How to continually your English clarity and confidence

- How to lead meetings effectively and get results from them

- Developing your English presentation and proposal skills to drive results and engagement from your presentations

- Using effective negotiation techniques to influence, persuade, and get your counterparts to do what you want them to do

- Sharpen your overall business communication skills in English to become a more impactful communicator for your teams

- Create strong, compelling proposals and offers that are attractive, relevant, and difficult to refuse

- Using effective questioning and listening techniques to build trust, rapport, and understanding

- Handling difficult conversations and overcoming conflict to communicate professionally, even when under pressure

- Understanding cultural differences and adapting your communication style accordingly to build trust and decision-making with global teams, colleagues, clients, and stakeholders

- Common mistakes life science managers make using Business English communication skills at work and how to avoid them

Weekly Session Outcomes:

Weekly goal-setting, challenges, and accountability to make sure you stay on track to make progress with your Business English communication, develop your career, get quicker results, and stay focused and motivated.

Weekly Session Times:

Weekly live session times and workshop topics are voted for in our LinkedIn VIP Group Community once per month.

You can join these live sessions for the 12 months that you sign up for.

If you can't make a live session, no problem. You'll receive a recording of each of the live sessions so that you can keep pace, catch up, watch, and review.

You can join all live group coaching sessions for the 12-month period that you sign up for.

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BONUS: 1-1 Progress Call with ME

You also receive 1 BONUS, free, 30-minute, 1-1 video progress call with me where I will help you keep pace with the program, check your progress, answer any lingering questions you have, and give you ultra-personalized tips and feedback to help you get the absolute most from this program and make the quickest improvement possible during our time working together.

Make sure to book your progress call with me before you start the program as the slots are limited and you must book within the 12 months of your subscription. Why?

I can only offer this special 1-1 opportunity to those who are ready to take action as soon as possible, it helps me help action-takers the most and get the absolute most results from this program, and that's why I put this time limit.

Additionally, there are more bonus opportunities to work together with me 1-1 throughout the year when you accomplish the monthly challenges so that I can help you make quicker progress.

Get Instant Access Here

Exclusive LinkedIn Group Community:

Community is important for ongoing success.

The journey to improve your English communication skills is both rewarding and challenging, and sometimes a little lonely, so with this Linked VIP Group Community, you get to enjoy the following:

- Ongoing lifetime support and contact with me in our LinkedIn Group + VIP Messaging Group

- Network with other life science managers around the globe

- Support and community to exchange ideas

- Help each other continue making progress and hold each other accountable

- Receive complimentary Business English learning resources and video trainings

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The ultimate goal of this program is to help you successfully use your English communication skills more CONFIDENTLY, CLEARLY, and PROFESSIONALLY to land more promotions and career opportunities.

What's included in this membership program:

- 52 live, weekly 60-minute group coaching sessions.

- Live session recordings with lifetime access are provided for your keeping, especially if you can't make a live session.

- Lifetime access to exclusive training videos, recordings, PDFs, and exclusive action plans tailored specifically for life science managers.

- LinkedIn group community and VIP messaging group for ongoing support.

- Extra exclusive, bonus MVP prizes and rewards.

- BONUS: 1 free, live, private 30-minute progress call with me where I check in on your progress and give you personalized feedback to help you get the most from this program.

- BONUS: Additional 1-1 live coaching opportunities with me when you complete monthly challenges in time.

Get Instant Access Here

100% Money-Back Guarantee:

Firstly, to be clear and frank, if you're "too busy" to attend most live sessions, you expect me to solve all of your problems without you having to take any action, or you simply plan to buy the course and then never attend the live sessions, watch the video trainings, and implement what you learn, please do NOT buy my program, you are NOT a good fit for it.

I only want to help clients who are action-takers, serious, committed, and invested in learning, implementing, and getting serious results, and I only want to help this type of client as we both help each other succeed.

So if the above resonates with you, it's nothing personal, but please don't join the Career Accelerator, it's not a good fit for you.

(More details below to help you judge whether or not you are a solid fit for my program)

With that being said, here's my 100% Money-Back Refund Policy:

IF you join ALL of the FIRST 4 weekly group sessions, present and share your action plan based on the weekly tasks during each live session, clearly prove you did that week’s tasks, share your weekly feedback and results, and do the 1-1 progress call with me, you win 1 free bonus 60 min. 1-1 video coaching call with me to get more targeted, personalized feedback training.

I am SO confident that I can help you succeed and achieve your goals that, IF, after doing all of these things, you still feel you got no results, you can send me a message and I'll give you a 100% refund.

That's how confident I am in helping you to achieve your goals.


Q: Are the bonus live group coaching sessions with you?

A: Yes! ALL bonus live group sessions are with the real me.

Q: Are the live sessions 1-1 or group sessions?

A: The main live sessions are group sessions. Additionally, you get 1 bonus 1-1 private 30-minute progress call session with me as mentioned previously under "Bonus 1-1 Progress Call", along with other 1-1 bonus opportunities if you complete the monthly challenges.

Q: What are the weekly group live session times? And how do I select a session time?

A: As I mentioned previously under "Weekly Session Times": "Weekly live session times and workshop topics are voted for in our LinkedIn VIP Group Community once per month. You can join ALL weekly group coaching sessions during the 12-month period that you sign up for.

Q: What are the weekly group session topics and content about? How are they structured?

A: As I mentioned previously under "Live Group Coaching": "In these weekly live group sessions, you will be able to receive personalized real-time guidance and feedback from me, group workshops and practice of common, relevant scenarios (presentations, meetings, negotiations, interviews, etc.), and open Q&A opportunities to address all of your questions and concerns."

Weekly topics are voted for in advance in our LinkedIn VIP Group. Scroll back up to the "Live Group Coaching" section for the exact, more detailed breakdown of the sessions' structure.

Q: I already have an English teacher or receive English training through my company. What makes you any different?

A: I don't simply teach English or do conversational practice, you can do all of those online or offline for free. If your goal is only to practice basic conversational English, please don't buy my program, you're not a good fit for it.

I specifically help my clients who are in leadership positions to use and improve their current Business English communication skills for very business-specific situations (as I already mentioned above) that are relevant to their work situations, including presentations, meetings, negotiations, high-stakes communications, and interviews, ultimately with the goal of communicating more professionally and developing their careers in the process.

Q: Do I need to buy any extra study materials? If not, where does your material come from?

A: No, you do not need to purchase any extra material beyond what you receive after purchasing my program. All videos, PowerPoints, Action Plans, and other documents and media are made by me specifically for Managers and Directors at Global Life Science Companies.

I've developed, fine-tuned, and polished this curriculum over nearly the past 5 years to ensure it best meets the needs of my clients, and continue to optimize it based on regular client feedback.

Q: How long do I have access to all of your provided materials?

A: As I previously mentioned under "Personalized Videos and PowerPoints for Managers at Global Life Science Companies": "You receive lifetime access to these videos, PowerPoints and PDFs, and the session recordings from our sessions together".

Additionally, you will automatically receive all updates to the video trainings and PPTs provided in the Career Accelerator, so when you buy this program, you make an investment that will always keep optimizing, updating and improving over time based on client feedback.

Q: What if I can't make a group live session? Can I reuse the session credit at a different time?

A: No, you cannot use the session credit at a different time. As I mentioned previously under "Weekly Session Times": "If you can't make a live session, no problem. You'll receive a recording of each of the live sessions so that you can keep pace, catch up, watch, and review."

Additionally, if you're generally too busy to dedicate at least 1 hour per week to join most of our weekly live group sessions, you're not a good fit for my program (more details below to help you judge whether or not you're a suitable fit for my program).

Q: Why can't I reuse my session credit at a different, better time for me?

A: As I mentioned previously under "Weekly Session Times": You must join these live coaching sessions within the 12-month period that you sign up for, as this lets me BEST help you track your progress, keep pace, and make sure you get the BEST results possible during our limited time working together.

I can only offer more flexible, personalized scheduling to my private 1-1 clients. If you're interested in a more flexible schedule and more personalized coaching, you can email me at and inquire about setting up a time to discuss private coaching.

Or you can book a time to chat with me 1-1 here: (I will inspect your booking application, if you're a suitable fit, I will confirm the booking with you).

Q: What's your refund policy?

A: I have a 100% Money-Back Guarantee. Scroll back up to my "Money-Back Guarantee" section to review my refund policy, I wrote the exact conditions there to address all your concerns. IF you commit, 100% implement and honor every single condition of my refund policy, I will give you a refund.

IF you are not serious about implementing what you learn in this course and or just expect me to solve all of your problems without you having to take action, please do not buy my program, you are not a good fit for it as I can only help clients who are committed, serious, and implement what I teach them (more details below to help you judge whether or not you're a solid fit for my program).

Q: Are there any discounts?

A: There are no extra discounts at the moment, unless I explicitly offered you one during one here on the Landing Page, on my LinkedIn, in my Email Newsletter, or otherwise. I can only help those ready to start now, and the price is going up again soon.

Q: Why do you only focus on helping life science managers, especially since you're not in life sciences yourself?

A: Indeed, my background is in education and management, not life sciences. I have nearly 10 years' experience both teaching English as a foreign language as well as being a manager for local US businesses along with some online businesses.

In late 2019, this combined experience of teaching English along with management inspired me to start my own business in which I started teaching Business English to managers at global companies. After my business' first year, I did market research and gathered client feedback, in which I discovered that the majority of my clients (over 90%) were in the life science industry, working at pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device companies.

The reason for this is that all of these clients had the same situations, challenges, and goals: They needed to communicate in English effectively and professionally with global teams, colleagues, leaders, clients, and stakeholders during meetings, presentations, negotiations, interviews, and other important daily business communications.

Thus, once I more thoroughly understood my clients, life science managers and directors, their challenges, goals, and specific needs, I niched down and tailored my business specifically to their needs. I've been doing this ever since 2020.

Q: How can I trust you can really help me?

A: Firstly, check out all of my client success stories below. Secondly, if you still want to see some more of my career work and background, you can check out my LinkedIn page by typing "Carlos W. Rivera". My work, free content for managers, career background, and client testimonials are all publicly available for you to see and I welcome you to explore my LinkedIn page. Additionally, if you're buying this program, you should ideally have a basic understanding of who I am, what I do, and how I help my clients via my Email Newsletter for Managers or Weekly LinkedIn Content.

Q: What if I want to work more closely with you and receive more personalized coaching and scheduling privileges?

A: I do offer extremely personalized coaching and scheduling to all of my private 1-1 clients. If you're interested in more personalized coaching, a more flexible schedule, and getting even quicker results in improving your English communication skills for your career, you can email me at and inquire about setting up a time to discuss private coaching.

Or you can book a time to chat with me 1-1 here: (I will inspect your booking application, if you're a suitable fit, I will confirm the booking with you). If you're hesitant about what to pick first, I recommend starting with this lower-cost yet high-value Career Accelerator Yearly Membership, as this gives you ample opportunity to experience what it's like working together with me while still getting high-level results that will make a difference in your career.

Who is this for?

- Life science managers who are committed and can invest 1 hour weekly to improve their Business English communication skills, along with investing some time to watch the provided videos.

- Clients who will implement what they learn, attend the weekly sessions, are diligent, reliable, honest, and are ready to invest in themselves.

- Clients who want to improve their Business English communication skills specifically for their career development and opportunities.

- Clients who are already managers, directors, or in leadership positions in their careers and specifically need to communicate regularly with global teams, colleagues, leaders, clients, and or stakeholders.

- Clients who have a basic understanding of what I do, understand how important quality is for me, and who are willing to put in the work to get results.

- Clients who are committed to the process and want to learn the key areas I normally only work on with my private 1-1 clients.

IF this is you, I am confident you're going to love this program and would love to help you achieve your career goals.

Who is this not for?

- People who want and expect instant results and don't want to work at all to achieve them.

- People who are not patient, expect me (and any teacher) to magically solve all of your problems without you having to do anything.

- People who are "too busy" to invest at least an hour a week to attend any of the live sessions, watch the video trainings, and implement what they learn.

- People who cannot afford the course.

- People who are "just a little curious" about what I do but who are not committed and serious about investing in themselves, you can instead simply check out my free LinkedIn content.

- People who buy the course but don't attend any of the live sessions, don't watch the videos, don't complete the course. don't implement what they learn, are then upset that they "don't get results", and often have "buyer's remorse".

- People who only want to practice basic conversational English or learn some random English vocabulary and phrases (you can do that already on your own for free).

If any of the above situations describe your current situation, it's nothing personal, but please do not buy my program, you are not a good fit for my program and coaching.

If you're still uncertain about if I can really help you, I can understand your concern. So here are some client success stories from my clients all around the world:


If you join us by July 31st, 2024, 11:59 PM, you will receive 1 additional 1-1 private video call with me that you can use any time within your subscription period + My latest English negotiation skills video training for managers.

Let me help you on your journey.

IF you're seriously ready to improve and use your Business English communication more clearly, confidently, and professionally to advance your career, join us!

I want this!
Watch link provided after purchase

100% Money-Back Guarantee:

IF you join ALL of the first 4 weekly group sessions, present and share your action plan based on the weekly tasks during each live session, clearly prove you did that week’s tasks, share your weekly feedback and results, and do the 1-1 progress call with me, you win 1 free bonus 60 min. 1-1 video coaching call with me to get more targeted, personalized feedback training.

I am SO confident that I can help you succeed and achieve your goals that, IF, after doing all of these things, you still feel you got no results, you can send me a message and I'll give you a 100% refund.

That's how confident I am in helping you to achieve your goals.

Last updated Jun 26, 2024

During our time together, we're going to help you use your Business English communication skills more confidently, clearly, and professionally to land more promotions and advance your career the way you want to!

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Career Accelerator: Business English Coaching Membership for Life Science Managers

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